BACKBOARD - vertaling naar arabisch
Online Woordenboek

BACKBOARD - vertaling naar arabisch




اسْم : لَوْحَةُ الْهَدَف


¦ noun
1. a board used to support or straighten a person's back, especially after an accident.
2. Basketball an upright board behind the basket, off which the ball may rebound.


Backboard may refer to:
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BACKBOARD
1. Stacy, we have to build a backboard!
The Ruins (2008)
2. JARED HARRIS: If there was a backboard,
HBO's Chernobyl, The Crown & Mad Men _ Jared Harris _ Talks at Google
3. We're gonna have to build a backboard.
The Ruins (2008)
4. best looking backboard I've ever seen.
One Simple Idea for Startups _ Stephen Key _ Talks at Google
5. and I just slapped it on the backboard.
One Simple Idea for Startups _ Stephen Key _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BACKBOARD
1. He added that the office of public integrity was "in danger of becoming a backboard for political tennis balls" with each side filing partisan charges against the other.
2. We are horrified by tales of chimney–boys and skivvies, but equally by the abuses of richer children: beatings, the backboard, Tom Brown roasted over a fire by Flashman.
3. As I dive in and out of consciousness, I am put onto a backboard and someone tells me that they have to move me and it is going to hurt.
4. About 11 a.m., as the train approached Grand Junction, the engineer radioed a dispatcher that a passenger had fallen on the train and would need medical attention, possibly including a backboard, local fire officials said.
5. The book begins, for example, with Mary Alyce Alexander shooting baskets in the backyard of her Charlotte, N.C., family home circa 1'45, thanks to the backboard and hoop put up by her father.